Escape the Ambush - Case study of coordinated AI attack

Escape the ambush was an attempt to revisit the concept of the players being pursued as they attempt to escape. The core concept in the mission is a wave manager that will produce waves of enemies that attempt to coordinate an attack on the players. The idea was to attempt to surround the players at the same time from all sides to help provide something for every player to shoot at....

March 11, 2019 · 4 min · Snippers

Escape The Bear - Case study of Priorization

Mission Premise The player objective is to escape to the exfil marker on the south side of the map whilst being pursued by soviet forces. Enemy design As always with my Arma AI mission making experiments I wanted to focus on the macro/high level planning of AI movements. The key mechanic I wanted to utilize in this mission was to have a constant stream of enemies appearing to challenge player movements using helicopters....

March 11, 2019 · 5 min · Snippers

Aussie Holdout - Case study of pathfinding

The first version of Aussie Holdout appeared in 2015, and has served as a hotbed for a few ideas. In 2018 I worked on upgrading it from the 2D to 3D editor and doing more experimentation. Mission Premise The premise of this mission is for the players to hold a fixed position while waves of AI attack. The enemy will use a combination of infantry forces and armoured vehicles with autocannons (e....

March 11, 2018 · 4 min · Snippers

Dynamic Squad Mission - Initial look into dynamic scenarios

Overview Dynamic Squad Mission (DSM) was my first foray into making a code driven mission. I created it at the beginning of 2016. The general idea was to write scripts to create AI units and manage their tactics. To keep things simple in this initial attempt the initial idea was to have some AI spawn in buildings that the players would clear. It ended up being code that did wrap some pre-existing tools for managing aspects of the AI which I’d like to spread awareness of but also had its own code....

February 1, 2016 · 5 min · Snippers


Contains posts related to PaperMod

0 min · Snippers